Love God. Love People.

Hewitt Community Church is a family of people who have chosen to follow, to the best of their ability, the great commandment laid out by Jesus Christ in Matthew 22:37-39:
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.”
We have chosen to follow these commandments for two reasons. First, we recognize the significance of the word “command”. A command is not a suggestion. One either obeys a command or they do not. As followers of Christ, we choose to obey His commands; therefore, loving God and loving people is more than just a choice – it is an integral part of our lifestyle. Secondly, we follow these commandments because of what else Jesus says about them in Matthew 22:40:
“All the Law and all the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
With this statement, Jesus is saying that every word in scripture is relevant to these two commandments. They are the cords that bind scripture together. Likewise, they bind us together as a family. The person who decides to follow Christ today is just as important and respected as the person who has been following Christ for years because loving God and loving people requires no special skill – everyone can do it.
If you should choose to visit Hewitt Community Church, you will not find a group of perfect people – far from it, but you will find a friendly, family atmosphere of love and acceptance.
Pastor Ken
Meet Our Team
From the first service I attended, Hewitt Community Church has made me feel welcome and embraced me as a sister in Christ. I truly consider HCC my family!
Individually and collectively, Hewitt Community members have consistently represented the true Body of Christ: in their service to the pastoral staff and church, their service to others, their love for one another, and their availability for one another. This is a spirit-led, grace-filled church where the presence of God is felt tangibly during worship.
Pastor Ken and his pastoral staff shepherd a flock of all ages and backgrounds. I enjoy engaging in fellowship with real people who have vulnerabilities and flaws and who work together to support each other as we grow and mature spiritually.
I could talk for days about how much I love this church and my Hewitt Community Family!
- Laura S.
Our first introduction to HCC was listening to Pastor Ken’s online sermons, which you might say, brought us into the building. After just a few visits we realized folks here don’t just greet during ‘meet and greet’ they wanted to get to know us. We knew in our hearts pretty quickly we wanted to become part of this special community. As we have continued to worship and grow here, we feel like we have been woven into the fabric of this wonderful group of believers and are now truly part of this precious family. HCC members have a way of making you feel comfortable, accepted, and heard. For us, HCC is not just a place to worship God, it is our church home. From the moment praise music begins your heart feels lifted and open to receive. Pastor Ken’s ability to explain the original meaning of the Bible’s passages and principles makes it easy to apply to our lives today. Come see for yourself...we'll save you a seat!
Colossians 2:2 – “…that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love…” This passage excerpt best characterizes what we found at Hewitt Community Church.
- Rick & Donna B.

Meet Our Board

Jeffrey Charles

Tim Rothenbush

Laura Schaumberg

Calvin Zwernemann