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HCC Weekly - September 16th

Lots of Laundry, Lots of Prayers

Pastor Joy

I do a lot of laundry. I've roughly done over 5000 loads of laundry. It never stops, it persists, it continues to pile up. I have folded a variety of clothes: dresses, uniforms, jerseys, tights, socks, etc. You get it, never ending. My mom loved doing my laundry. Maybe one day I'll understand why.Over the years I’ve done a lot of laundry, roughly over 5000 loads! It never stops, it persists, it continues to pile up. I’ve washed and folded dresses, uniforms, jerseys, tights, socks, etc. It’s never ending. My mom loved doing laundry. Maybe, one day, I’ll understand why.

Our prayers should be as persistent and continuous as our loads of laundry.

Daniel 6:10 says, “But when Daniel learned that the law had been signed, he went home and knelt down as usual in his upstairs room...He prayed three times a day, just as he always had done, giving thanks to the Lord.”

Psalm 141 says, “O Lord, I am calling out to you. Please hurry! Listen when

I cry for help. Accept my prayer as an offering.”

Isaiah 6:8 says, “Then I heard the Lord asking me, ‘Whom should I send as a messenger to these people? Who will go for us?’ I said, ‘Here I am, send me.’ And he said, ‘Yes, go.’”

God moves in our prayers. God responds in our prayers. Our relationship with God is deepened in our prayers.

Let's pray together…

“Lord, we come to You, a people in desperate need for a Savior. We all have different lives, needs and circumstances. Nevertheless, what we have in common is a God who desires to hear our voices, who longs for our hearts to approach You in continuous prayer. We bring our needs before You giving thanks like Daniel did, calling to You for help like David did, and following Your call to action like Isaiah did. Hear us and help us to hear Your voice as You respond to us today.”

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